Brian Richardson - October 23, 2022

I Hear Voices!

Today's culture is heavily influenced by voices that are earthly, unspiritual, disordered, and evil. But "wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere."

Scripture References: James 3:13-17

From Series: "Life Hacks from the Book of James"

We have seen them and been amazed. Life Hacks--those tricks, shortcuts, and novel ways of doing something familiar with increased efficiency and productivity. The Book of James is filled with spiritual life hacks--practical ways to put our faith into action. From controlling what we say to limiting the influences in our lives, James gives "hacks" to wisely live out our faith in a way that just makes life better.

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