Who are we?

It’s simple. 
We’re ordinary people, following Jesus.

There are a lot of “churchy” words we could use to define who we are as Marysville Church of the Nazarene. But simply put, we believe Jesus calls ordinary people to follow Him. We’re your neighbors, your classmates, your childhood friends, your co-workers….your family.

We’re here to do life TOGETHER.


Following Jesus isn’t ordinary–it’s extraordinary! For it’s as ordinary people, following Jesus, that we learn what it truly means to live. As our minds are transformed and we begin to see life and the world in a whole new way, God moves us from the ordinary to the extraordinary. We learn that love is the key.

Jesus sums up the whole law in two commands: “Love God completely and love your neighbor as yourself.” Our mission is to help others follow Jesus by doing life together. We need each other. It’s not always pretty and it’s not perfect, but doing life together means learning to love and forgive. To experience grace and mercy, sorrows and joys. Loving and giving, going and sharing. Pressing on to follow Jesus, placing our everyday, ordinary life before God as an offering. It is the adventure of a lifetime and we invite you to join us! 

Our vision and mission–ordinary people, following Jesus–is not dependent on programs or schedules. Instead, we are simply loving, growing, and going.


We love each other. The love God has in mind spills out and touches our relationship with God and our relationship with others.


God is not finished with us. He calls us to a deeper and more meaningful relationship. Because we want to grow, we join others in worship services, BIble studies, small groups & Sunday school classes. Though we believe in solitary study in God’s word, we believe something happens when we gather as a community. 


Jesus called us to join His great mission. Jesus called us to go and help others follow. In going, we’re simply following the example of Jesus who was willing to go so that we could find life in God.