student ministries
Teens (7th thru 12th Grade)
Youth Group - Sunday Nights
Hangout Time (snacks, games, etc) - 5:15 to 6:00pm
Worship & Teaching - 6:00 to 6:45pm
Small Group Discussion - 6:45 to 7:00pm
respond. Student Ministries is the student ministry at
Marysville Church of the Nazarene.
It is for teenagers currently in 7th-12th grade.
Our youth group has defined worship as “a trusting obedient response to the word of God”. We believe that everything that we do in our lives is in response to God. This means that every single thing that we do has the potential to be worship.
We believe that the way that we respond to God’s love and grace is central to our lives. It is because of this belief that we have adopted “respond” as our identity. Thus, we call ourselves respond. Student Ministries.

Josh Huff
Youth Pastor
Pastor Josh joined the MaryNaz staff in June 2014. He was born and raised in Hamilton, OH, near Cincinnati. He earned his BA in Youth Ministry from Mount Vernon Nazarene University, where he met his beautiful wife, Chelsea. Josh and Chelsea have three boys and a girl: Jensen, Judah, Logan, and Quinn. They also do foster care, so there's rarely a dull moment in the Huff house! Josh is also an avid Cincinnati Reds fan, a coffee snob, and a self-proclaimed foodie.
What we’re learning this month…

Bread of Life
July 28 - August 25
5:15 - 7:00pm
This 5-week series will give us an in-depth look at Jesus’ words and actions in John 6, exploring the profound significance of Jesus' declaration, "I am the bread of life." Together, we will journey through this pivotal chapter, uncovering the depths of Jesus' miraculous feeding of the 5,000 and the challenging teachings that followed, emhasizing the spiritual nourishment that Christ offers and contrasting it with temporary, earthly sustenance. Through this rich chapter, we will gain a deeper understanding of how Jesus sustains and satisfies the deepest longings of the human soul, calling them to a life of faith and dependence on Him.
This month’s teaching series is focused on turning up the ‘Discovery Dial’ in our Master Plan. This means that we want students to be provoked to pursue a lifestyle of discovery, where their identity is determined by a personal relationship with Christ and the Holy Spirit is their guide. As you discuss what is being taught with your teen(s) this month, focus on questions such as:
- What does it mean to belong to Jesus Christ and define who I am by what He says?
- What are you learning about your identity during this series?
- What does it look like to follow the guide of the Holy Spirit in your life right now?
Meet Our Volunteers…
Our Volunteers
Meet Our Team
Todd Clementz

Becky Eichorn

Dave Eichorn

Joevanie Green

Josh Huff

Cheryl Johnson
Bryan Knurek

Holly Knurek

Samuel Laird
Upcoming Events…