grow KIds Ministries
Nursery thru 6th Grade
Children's Worship - Sundays @ 9:00 & 10:30am
(Check-in & Nursery Care opens 15 minutes prior to each service)
We believe every child is a unique gift from God with limitless potential.
Through our children’s services, kids will learn to love God and love others through worship, service projects and discipleship. They learn that faith is developed through relationship with God and in community with others.
We pray that our kids will be amazed by a God who loves them and made them, discover that they are part of His story, and find a passion for serving others.
We’d love to meet your family and partner with you as you help your child develop a personal and authentic faith in Jesus.

Mara Castle
Children's Director
Mara grew up in the Marysville area and has been a part of Marysville Church of the Nazarene since 2005. She and her husband, Ryan, have three kids: Emerson, Finley, and Reid. Mara has experience teaching in public schools and is passionate about helping children grow and develop a lifelong relationship with Jesus.
What our elementary kids are learning…
Below is a summary of this week’s lesson, with corresponding scripture references and topics for discussion at home.
The Gospel in Four Words…
The Gospel is the good news. God wants everyone to know this good news and to not miss out on this invitation! Here’s the gospel in four main words:
God is a loving God who is all-powerful and holy. He knows and sees everything, and rules over everything. God created all people in His image, and we are valuable to Him.
But we have sinned, and our sin separates us from God.
What is sin? Sin is anything we think, say, or do that disobeys God.
The penalty for sin is death and separation from God forever.
But because God loves us so much,
He sent His one and only Son, Jesus,
to pay the penalty for our sin. Jesus died in our place. But He did not stay dead—He rose again three days later. Because of Jesus, we no longer have to be separated from God and we are offered the free gift of eternal life!
God gives salvation, rescuing us from our sin, to everyone who places their trust in Jesus as their Savior.
What is trust? It means that we rely on what Jesus did. You cannot be saved from sin by doing good things, but only through what Jesus did for you.
Parenting Resources…
Partnering with Parents:
On RightNow Media:
RightNow Media is a streaming library of more than 20,000 Bible study videos and resources designed to inspire families to champion the mission Jesus gave to his people--making disciples of all nations--at church or in the workplace, among your neighbors or on the sidelines at sporting events, as well as at home.
These resources are free for you/your family to access, enjoy, and to share with others. To help you get started, we've highlighted the following selections on our network that we think you/your family will enjoy!
Not yet on RightNow Media? No problem! You can access our network here.
Grow Kids Ministries Leadership…
Our Volunteers
Meet Our Team

Mara Castle
Elementary Small Group Leader
Favorite Food: Rebol
Favorite Drink: Dr. Pepper
Favorite Candy: Hot Tamales
Favorite Snack: Pretzels
Favorite Animal: Flamingos
Favorite thing about serving in the children’s department: Building relationships with the kids and seeing them take steps of maturity in their faith.
What do you want kids to know about Jesus? That He loves them fiercely and is the BEST and ONLY thing worth living for.

Cheryl Johnson
Elementary Small Group Leader
Favorite Food: Manicotti
Favorite Drink: Iced Tea
Favorite Candy: Reese Cups
Favorite Snack: Popcorn & Cheetos
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite thing about serving in the children’s department: Getting to spend time loving on them and watching them grow closer to Jesus.
What do you want kids to know about Jesus? That He wants to have a personal relationship with them, loves them so much no matter what, and will never leave or forsake them.

Holly Knurek
Elementary Small Group Leader
Favorite Food: BBQ
Favorite Drink: Coffee
Favorite Candy: Heath Bar
Favorite Snack: Yogurt & Granola
Favorite Animal: Manatee
Favorite thing about serving in the children’s department: Helping kids learn how to make God part of their lives and watching them make the Word part of their heart.
What do you want kids to know about Jesus? He is enough in every circumstance, all the time.

Judi Luginbill
Elementary Small Group Leader
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Drink: Coffee
Favorite Candy: Chocolate
Favorite Snack: Potato Chips
Favorite Animal: Red Panda
Favorite thing about serving in the children’s department: Listening to the children tell me about how their week was.
What do you want kids to know about Jesus? I want them to know that He loves them.

Dean McCombs
Elementary Small Group Leader
Favorite Food: Tacos
Favorite Drink: Flavored Sparkling Water
Favorite Candy: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
Favorite Snack: Mixed Nuts/Beef Jerky
Favorite Animal: Dogs
Favorite thing about serving in the children’s department: Getting to know the kids and being a positive influence in their lives.
What do you want kids to know about Jesus? God loves you unconditionally and He wants you to love him, too.

Nichol Nicol
Favorite Food: Tacos
Favorite Drink: Dr. Pepper
Favorite Candy: Reese’s
Favorite Snack: Cheese
Favorite Animal: Elephant
Favorite thing about serving in the children’s department: Watching the children grow and learn about Jesus.
What do you want kids to know about Jesus? He is good and loves you no matter what.